A Voice To Be Heard!

…life, the way i see it and what i learn from it!

Smile and you’ll never walk alone ! June 7, 2011

Filed under: Life — charmingff @ 8:21 am

They say a smile is a curve that sets everything straight and if you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.   While driving home yesterday, I saw very nice oranges and I felt the urge to buy them, I parked to get some, and I started sucking my oranges even while driving, I smiled mischievously because I wondered why I would be doing such, I wasn’t so hungry, I am someone you can consider a bit of coded public figure by virtue of my radio Job, but I didn’t mind.  I remembered today is  my EX’s birthday and I smiled to myself because I remembered the good old days , surprises I would put up , crazy and funny things I would do because I was in love , Oh my God how time flies , but the thought of it makes me smile

There are also times I do some babyish and naughty things on my own , I could walk up to the mirror and talk to myself , address myself like am addressing an audience , times when I would not want to talk to anyone and just be in myself , these times makes me smile . And when I remember my first kiss, I laugh at me not smile.

I smile at the woman have grown up to become , I smile at the mistakes have made in the past , the thought that I let some little but very important things slip off my fingers makes me smile , The thought of  friends have kept and those that I don’t know their whereabouts’ makes me smile . Imagine there was a day I just wanted to be pampered , and I told some of my friends what my expectation is like , and one of them took it upon herself to do me a treat  I remembered this day and I smiled . I remembered some thoughts that have led to decisions in my life, I also remembered the choices that I didn’t make but made me and I smiled. I remembered my fears, my worries, my imperfections and I smile. Imagine recently I started taking basic phonetics, pronunciation and presentation course , and my teacher made me realize how badly I had been speaking before now , the thought that I had wounded some words in the past makes me smile , but trust me now I know better .

Where I am now makes me smile, where I have been makes me smile, and where I am going to bring a smile on face, Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it. Some people naturally have a great smile. Others analytical types like me must work at it. One way to tell if you’re in my category is to recall picking up your developed photos. As you flipped through the pictures, you didn’t like the way you looked in most of them. But then…you discovered that one great picture of yourself. In it, you look friendly you’re smiling broadly and your eyes twinkle. Now THAT picture looks like you!

In everyday life the same concept applies. You might be enjoying your job, but fail to show it. You may want to meet someone, yet not give them a single, friendly clue. You can even be IN LOVE with somebody, and totally hide it. Your face should express what you feel when you wish to connect with others.

Sometimes it’s life’s little reminders that help us focus on making self-improvements. It’s a sign of growth , Imagine I can smile and laugh at myself , it shows a lot about the woman have become , in life for every plus there is a minus , for every pro, there is a con, for every Yes there is a No , How couldn’t you smile when you dream about the future. Dream and you shall smile , Smile and you’ll start dreaming charming tots